What happened to the family emoji?
Suddenly, after updating to iOS 17.4, for some reason the family emoji is gone
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 17
Suddenly, after updating to iOS 17.4, for some reason the family emoji is gone
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 17
Achei um retrocesso, nessa busca por “inclusão” estão criando tantas categorias que são incapazes de serem incluídas ao total e por fim acabam excluindo vários. Resumindo: excluem na tentativa de incluir. 🫠
Achei um retrocesso, nessa busca por “inclusão” estão criando tantas categorias que são incapazes de serem incluídas ao total e por fim acabam excluindo vários. Resumindo: excluem na tentativa de incluir. 🫠
ThisUsernamelsTaken wrote:
Suddenly, after updating to iOS 17.4, for some reason the family emoji is gone
iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 include Unicode 15.1.
Apple and many other vendors implement the Unicode standard, and emojis are part of Unicode.
Unicode has recently decided to avoid the increasing technical complexity of the permutations involved with the family emojis.
Here is an example of one of the family groups from prior to Unicode 15.1, and an example of that same group in Unicode 15.1 and later:
Here are the details of the current implementation, including the 15.1 changes to the icons used to represent families:
Here are the technical details of the skin tone handling that arrived with Unicode 14.0, both individually, and when multiple people are present in the emoji (starting from 14.0 and prior to 15.1):
If you would like to submit a request for a change or an addition to the folks on the Unicode emoji standards committee, here is how:
I have a feeling there was another post that resurrected this thread that was redacted. It's definitely a subject that attracts unpleasantness.
ludmilla81 wrote:
Achei um retrocesso, nessa busca por “inclusão” estão criando tantas categorias que são incapazes de serem incluídas ao total e por fim acabam excluindo vários. Resumindo: excluem na tentativa de incluir. 🫠
I found it a step backwards, in this search for “inclusion” they are creating so many categories that they are unable to be included in the total and end up excluding many. In short: they exclude in an attempt to include. 🫠
What are you talking about? Mr Hoffman provided the correct answer to the OP's question along with links for further support. This is not an opinion site and is solely for the purpose asking about an issue with a device and followed up with technical answers to those question. He even included a link to request changes to the current emojis that is provided by Unicode.
What happened to the family emoji?