How to Replace a Design in Canva Desktop App on Mac
Anyone here using Canva desktop app on their mac?
I have an issue when I first download a design, and then for some reason make changes to it, and I want to download it again, replacing the old version - it doesn't. The process just stops just before it's done.
I can easily get around it by first deleting the old file, or giving the new version another name, but I would like to be able to just click the "replace" button and be done with it. (Might not be called "replace", by the way. My mac is in Norwegian, where the button says "erstatt", which means "replace".)
I've been in contact with support staff at Canva, tried everything from their automated check list and got nowhere. They suggest the problem lies elsewhere.
I don't seem to have a problem replacing files this way from other types of software.
I am on Sonoma 14.5, updated today, Canva 1.87.0, also updated today.
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MacBook Air (M2, 2023)