Locked out of podcast, no access to Apple ID or phone number
I was wondering if anyone could help with this work situation. We have a podcast that feeds from Soundcloud-> Apple since 2017 if not earlier. Due to many staff changes over the years, we lost pretty much all the credentials to access this podcast. I tried to use the email address we opened it with (we don't have the Apple ID anymore) and when I click "Forgot password", it then asks for the phone number linked to the account- which of course, we do not have access to or even know what it is. I also tried iforgotapple, but no success. it feels like a vicious cycle. Any idea how we could access our Apple podcast with NO Apple ID, NO phone number and NO password? Is there any protocol we could use to prove to Apple that it is our podcast so we can then recover it?
Thank you!
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 14.5