Easily move chapters around in a Pages manuscript
I am looking for a way to easily move chapters around in a book manuscript I have created in Pages.
I used the "sections" function to create separate sections for each chapter, and the "headings" function to create a TOC aligned with each section break. Ideally, I would now be able to rearrange chapters in the TOC by dragging or cutting/pasting, but that does not seem possible.
Less ideally, I would be able to switch from TOC to thumbnail view and cut/paste chapter sections, but that also does not seem possible. Frustratingly, when I "cut" a section in thumbnails it seems to delete it entirely rather than make it available for pasting (you in fact get a warning prompt when you cut a section telling you it will be removed from the document).
So far, the only method I've found to work is to identify the chapter I want to move in TOC, switch to thumbnails, find the section there and blindly drag it to where I want it. This isn't a practical way to navigate a 150k word, 50 chapter manuscript, and probably less efficient than my initial method of cutting and pasting text without use of the TOC or section functions.
Is there a way to create and easily move chapters in a manuscript? Thanks!
Mac mini