Beta updates not showing please resolve
in my iphone 15 beta updates options not showing please resolve
iPhone 15, iOS 17
in my iphone 15 beta updates options not showing please resolve
iPhone 15, iOS 17
You are planing to install the beta on a spare phone, not your "regular" phone, correct?
If you are a registered developer or a member of the AppleSeed program, you already have all the info that you need.
If you are not, the Public Beta is not yet available.
You are planing to install the beta on a spare phone, not your "regular" phone, correct?
If you are a registered developer or a member of the AppleSeed program, you already have all the info that you need.
If you are not, the Public Beta is not yet available.
They would only appear, if you are registered in the Beta Software Program, which you can sign up for here --> Apple Beta
Please keep in mind, you should NEVER install Beta software on your primary device as the entire point of testing software is to determine what things don't work and once you find a bug, you CANNOT report it or ask anything about beta releases here. You will have a Feedback Link, you can report issues through, but if you get in trouble with the software or it breaks your phone in any way, you're on your own.
If you are planning on installing the beta, you should be perfectly capable of dealing with issues such as these. The Beta will have a lot of bugs, some device breaking and you will be expected to deal with them yourself. There is no support for the beta unless you are a registered developer. if you cannot figure out how to install the beta, I would advise not to attempt to install the beta at all.
What is the Apple Beta Software Program?
The Apple Beta Software Program lets users try out pre-release software. The feedback you provide on quality and usability helps us identify issues, fix them, and make Apple software even better. Please note that since the public beta software has not yet been commercially released by Apple, it may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not function as well as commercially released software. Be sure to back up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch and your Mac using Time Machine before installing beta software. Since Apple TV purchases and data are stored in the cloud, there’s no need to back up your Apple TV. Install the beta software only on non-production devices that are not business critical. We strongly recommend installing on a secondary system or device, or on a secondary partition on your Mac.
Is the public beta software confidential?
Yes, the public beta software is Apple confidential information. Don’t install the public beta software on any systems you don't directly control or that you share with others. Don’t blog, post screen shots, tweet, or publicly post information about the public beta software, and don't discuss the public beta software with or demonstrate it to others who are not in the Apple Beta Software Program. If Apple has publicly disclosed technical information about the public beta software, it is no longer considered confidential.
Read our Terms for full details
No Support and Maintenance; Future Products. During your participation in the Beta Program or in a particular seed, Apple is not obligated to provide you with any maintenance, technical or other support for the Pre-Release Software. If, at Apple’s option, such support is provided, it will be provided in addition to your normal warranty coverage for your computer and/or device. You agree to abide by any support rules and policies that Apple provides to you in order to receive such support. You acknowledge that Apple has no express or implied obligation to announce or make available a commercial version of the Pre-Release Software to anyone in the future. Should a commercial version be made available, it may have features or functionality that are different from those found in the Pre-Release Software licensed hereunder.
Bob Timmons wrote:
You are planing to install the beta on a spare phone, not your "regular" phone, correct?
If you are a registered developer or a member of the AppleSeed program, you already have all the info that you need.
If you are not, the Public Beta is not yet available.
From what I just read, the iOS 18 Public Beta has now been released.
Phil0124 wrote:
if you cannot figure out how to install the beta, I would advise not to attempt to install the beta at all.
Great post. This sentence needs to be called out specifically. Probably put in bold. And repeated.
IdrisSeabright wrote:
Phil0124 wrote:
if you cannot figure out how to install the beta, I would advise not to attempt to install the beta at all.
Great post. This sentence needs to be called out specifically. Probably put in bold. And repeated.
Thanks. I know it sounds bit harsh but its the truth.
I usually only installed the Beta on my non-mission critical iPad. Since the iPad has long since stopped being supported no betas for me.
I don't really want to install it on my iPhone or my Mac, which I depend on.
"Age brings patience, prudence and pride..." someone once said.
Johnathan Burger wrote:
Add to that none of your banking apps are going to work once you install the beta
That's good to know.
As I understand it, if you install the beta on your Apple Watch, it cannot be removed, so if you remove it from your iPhone, the watch will become unusable until the final release.
lobsterghost1 wrote:
Let the fun being, right?!
Oh, no.
I think there should be an exam first.
Until iOS 18 is publicly released your post should be a sticky at the top of each device page!
lobsterghost1 wrote:
Until iOS 18 is publicly released your post should be a sticky at the top of each device page!
haha... Thanks.
Maybe I should turn into a User Tip. 😜
Phil0124 wrote:
Thanks. I know it sounds bit harsh but its the truth.
In all the years I've owned an iPhone, I've never once installed a beta build. I'm sure I'm capable of handling it buy my iPhone is my only phone. Perhaps age brings patience. I'm content to wait until September.
IdrisSeabright wrote:
Phil0124 wrote:
Thanks. I know it sounds bit harsh but its the truth.
In all the years I've owned an iPhone, I've never once installed a beta build. I'm sure I'm capable of handling it buy my iPhone is my only phone. Perhaps age brings patience. I'm content to wait until September.
Me either. There is never anything so important in an upcoming release that I can't live without until its been completely tested and all the many many bugs worked out. I'm more than content waiting for a public release. Why people who only have one iPhone want to find out what doesn't work is beyond me. Think about how many apps haven't been updated to work correctly on the new version.
Add to that none of your banking apps are going to work once you install the beta and beta builds are not feature complete.
I also don’t understand why you are going to install it on your every day device.
Johnathan Burger wrote:
Add to that none of your banking apps are going to work once you install the beta and beta builds are not feature complete.
I also don’t understand why you are going to install it on your every day device.
I'll never understand why people are so impatient and yes, their banking apps likely won't work with the Beta. I'm sure there are plenty of other apps, which won't. I've never done it. I will NEVER do it. EVER!
Beta updates not showing please resolve