iCloud for Windows repeated password prompt
iCloud for Windows keeps asking me for password and Apple ID verification code. After successfully typing in my password, I receive the Apple ID verification code request on my iPhone. I type in the code and iCloud for Windows returns me to the password prompt without logging me into iCloud for Windows. Sometimes it takes 15 seconds to return to the password prompt and other times it takes more than a minute to return to the password prompt. Typically, no error message appears. On a rare occasion, I will get a Verification Failed prompt saying, "There was an error connecting to the Apple ID server." I've checked the server status page, and everything is green. And I can successfully login to www.iCloud.com from the same PC without any problem.
App version
Windows version - Win11 26100.1301
Anyone else having this issue?
Anyone have a solution that doesn't involve uninstalling iCloud for Windows and reinstalling it?