pages "export to image" DPI
I am making some portfolios to get printed by online services. The online service accepts JPGs. If I set up my pages document to the right size (using the service's templates), I can export the document as a PDF or as JPGs. It saves a step to export as JPGs but when I use this feature, the images are exported at 144dpi. So a 10"x10" page exports as 1440x1440 px. The problem is that I need the JPG to be 3000x3000 px.
Of course I could set up the page to be 3000px / 144px (=20.83") and have the images output at 3000x3000px, but that means adjusting font sizes from my standards.
The other option is to output a PDF and then save each page as a 300dpi JPG from Preview or similar app.
While either is workable, it would be really great to setup the document in real dimensions, and get the JPG output at 300dpi.
Is this at all possible? Seems like it should be!
Any workarounds, including terminal commands?