sebastianfrombrueggen wrote:
Do you think it at all possible that someone has created a fake, "improved" replica of the board?
To clarify: I will NOT buy this for precisely the reasons you have given, but I am now interested!
I think it is very unlikely that someone has created a fake, "improved" replica of the board, at this late date. That might have made sense when the 2017 MacBook Airs were new – but where would the profit be in it now?
I once knew of a hardware engineer who DID have the skills to unsolder components from complex circuit boards and put new ones in their place. IIRC, he used those when dealing with prototype boards for new and unreleased products. I don't think that soldering more RAM onto a 7-year-old motherboard would have been worth his time.
That's why I say that while it is within the realm of possibility, I would be wary of that particular board. If it is not a misprint or a scam, how do you know that the person who did the upgrade was qualified to do it? Why would they spend their time on that, when they could get much better pay using their skills elsewhere? And if the person who did the upgrade wasn't skilled, why on Earth would you want that board in your computer?