Macbook Pro 2020 high CPU load, fan going crazy
Hi there,
Hoping for some insight or help with what to do next to sort out my Macbook Pro.
For around a year or more now, it has barely been coping with light usage, let alone heavier tasks. The fan is constantly running very loudly, the laptop is overheating, and the CPU load of background tasks has been very high. The Macbook also restarts pretty much any time I shut it and walk away from it for a while, and uses a lot of battery both when it is and is not in use.
I took it to Apple a week ago who said there seemed to be nothing wrong hardware-wise, battery health is fine etc. They reinstalled the OS and told me to use my Time Machine backup to reinstate my data and see if the issue persisted, which it has.
I have run an EtreCheck report today after reading similar threads on here, which I will attach below. Major issues identified were heavy CPU usage (to nobody's surprise) and kernel panics.
Some of the processes using a high CPU % I have noted include:
- cloudd
- cloudphotod
- MTLCompilerService
- PasswordBreachAgent
- photolibraryd
- bird
- unzip
- XprotectService
- fileproviderd
- QuickLookSatellite
- backupd
- kernel_task
- fileproviderd
- contactsd
- corespotlightd
- CGPDFservice
- mdwrite
Would love any and all advice, bearing in mind I do not have a lot of technical computing knowledge.
Thanks in advance.
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 14.6