I’m the only iPhone in my 5-person household. Updated to iOS 18 a few days ago. RCS worked great. Then it didn’t. Then it did. And so-on ever since the update. All 5 phones are on the same cellular network. Different brands (3 Samsung, 1 google). Point is, ATT supports it, their phones support it (because it works some of the time), and everything is activated (again proof is it works some of the time). When my message box changes to SMS, I do not receive their replies until my phone decides to flip back to RCS (it does this on its own randomly while,
for example, I’m in my house the whole time). Yesterday there was a 3-4 hour gap. I also did not receive their calls, or alerts of voice mail messages for several hours - I believe the voice mail alert finally showed up about 4 hours after the texts came through. Coincidentally (?), this morning my son received a very loud weather alert about 30 minutes before I did, and my phone had been on sms during that time.
I’ve restarted my phone multiple times. I’ve turned RCS off and back on a few times. I even went to the ATT store today and they are baffled.
Clearly there are bugs. I hope apple fixes them asap because meanwhile I’m fuming that my husband/kids aren’t replying to me, when all the while my phone is the issue. I have no way of knowing which scenario is correct (because they can’t call me, either, and I’m completely unaware.) Ask any mom of driving teenagers - it is not good when they can’t reach you if there’s an emergency.