Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app in iOS 18?
where is favorite in photos in ios 18 ?? please answer me .. and i know i can do it in searth but i want another way same last ios .. thank you
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro Max
where is favorite in photos in ios 18 ?? please answer me .. and i know i can do it in searth but i want another way same last ios .. thank you
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro Max
I don’t understand that move Favorites to the middle of nowhere in Photos App. I use it every time when I open App. Now I need to scroll and find it. How bad was that decision by Apple Developers’ Team?
Lawrence let me see if I can “dumb it down” for you. I want the ability to place it wherever I want. Was that simple enough?
I have reorganized/reordered as in your screenshot. I’d prefer it simple and not have to dig to just put it in some resemblance of where I desire it. There are other folders I would really like to place after “favorites”.
Some of us tend to like things to be simple as we’ve become accustomed to with Apple products.
The only product in my home that isn’t Apple is 1-Bose speaker & a PC. I have a PC because I grew up with PC’s and in my work as a civil servant.
I have Apple TV, iPad Pro 12.9, Watch Ultra 2, iPhone 16 Pro, 3-home pod mini’s along with one of the first iPods and iPhone 5. I’ve had numerous versions of iPhones & iPads. I’m quite used to Apple changing things and improving them.
Also your attitude and downgrading of other users in this thread is deplorable. You would be much better received if you would adjust your attitude toward those trying to understand their products. They may not be as tech savvy as you. You talk down to them and it seems you don’t like assisting them. I see your need to be wanted and useful but your attitude overshadows the good you can bring.
V_ic wrote:
It’s in pined collections, the first item. It’s dumb and pretty stupid aid if you don’t have pinned collections edabeld i don’t even think you can reach it
Well, you could move it to where you want it using the Customization feature in the iOS 18 photo app. Or hold the Photos icon on the Home Screen and tap on Favorites in the floating menu.
yogi131 wrote:
Solution = Customise & reorder = Pinned collections =modify = add favourites and videos
Excellent; that’s one of several solutions.
Also Customize & Reorder, then move Utilities to the top of the list just below the photo library. (Favorites is at the top of the Utilities folder).
Or, from the Home screen, hold your finger on the Photos icon and choose Favorites from the floating menu that appears.
Foxfire64 wrote:
I have been resistant to update to IOS 18 because of alleged and posted Photos issues. I finally took the plunge yesterday, (Jan 28th/2025) and it transitioned perfectly on my iPhone 15 Pro. All of my folders, and over 300 albums were exactly how they appeared before. I used the Customize and Reorder button at the bottom and removed most options except for Albums, Media Types, Utilities, and Featured Photos. Because I refer to my albums a great deal they are at the top, followed by Media Types and Utilities. I won't make use of the 'Trips' option since I already organize all of my trips into albums, as I do for special events like weddings, fire calls, and each month for 'normal' every day activities. For those looking for 'Favourites' album, without me doing anything they are at the top of the Utilities section. (That also applied to when my wife updated her iPhone 11 Pro. So didn't have to do anything to the 'Favourites' album.). Now that it is set up it is very similar to the IOS 17 set up but more flexible. Some people forget that Camera Roll is long gone so now it is 'Recents' which is no different. You can customize 'Recents' if you want a different order, but I like it as before, simply seeing any photos you took or downloaded to appear at the bottom, or the end. There are videos online to teach you about the new Photos App so relax and view a couple. I am now a believer in the new Photos App., as it is better!
Thank you for an informative and useful report.
I will add one thing that you might or might not have known; if you hold your finger on the Photos icon on the Home screen you can open to Favorites directly from the floating menu.
PhoneHackedMaybe wrote:
Do you work for Apple? Being able to customize is great! Driving the customization on people is not. Do you have able 75yo Mom and 80yo Dad? Do they have Apple phones? Do you think most tech troubled people would be able to easily navigate the iOS? So you give me a break pal - you’re probably an Apple employee anyway.
I really get tired of kids like you thinking that we "old people" are somehow unable to understand or use technology. The internet, computers, cell phones were all invented by people your parents' age or older.
People have been complaining since the original Apple computer that Apple doesn't offer enough customization. Now that they offer more, people whine about it.
CLP_62 wrote:
Yes I am also facing same problem! Why they can’t improve their thinking that mere changing some good thing is not development. It is a pure frustration.
As I already posted, If you take a few minutes to learn about the significant improvements in the Photos app you might see that it is a change for the better→Customize the Photos app on iPhone - Apple Support
authentica wrote:
"Favorites" is now located under "Pinned Collections."
This is a major booboo. Now when using third party apps, which recognize albums, "Pinned Collections" are not options.
So you a left to scroooooolllllllll...
Create a new "Album."
Or wait for Apple to consider this blunder and fix it.
Well, yes, Favorites was moved but the new Photos app is completely configurable and it will take about 10 seconds to move it to the top. Favorites is in Utilities, so just use the edit feature to move Utilities to the top, and there will be Favorites in all it’s glory.
As I already posted several times in the thread that you apparently did not read before adding to it, If you take a few minutes to learn about the significant improvements in the Photos app you might see that it is a change for the better→Customize the Photos app on iPhone - Apple Support. I certainly find it highly configurable, and much easier to use. It did take about 5 minutes to learn, however. After learning I made Favorites my top lists album with about 3 taps on the screen.
Awb123 wrote:
Why not put it as an option in the “customize and reorder” section so I can put it where it’s useful. This way I don’t have to go “digging” just to find it.
Apple seriously didn’t think this through.
The option to "customize and reorder” is there already. If you just read the threads you post to before adding to them you can save a lot of time. This link has been posted multiple times→Customize the Photos app on iPhone - Apple Support. You could also have found this out by reading the updated user guide, or searching the Apple Support site. OR by just fiddling around with the Photos app for a couple of minutes. If you scroll to the bottom in the app you can tap on Customize & Reorder. Once there move Utilities to the top, and Favorites will be the first thing you see.
So Apple DID seriously think this through.
WeiCT wrote:
You can find it in pinned collections now. What a bad UX design!
You can also find it in Utilities, and you can move it using the NEW FEATURE that lets you rearrange the screen to put things where you want them→Customize the Photos app on iPhone - Apple Support. I put Favorites so it is the first thing I see when I open the photos app. See my post in this thread→Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app … - Apple Community
aazir259 wrote:
Please bring our old photos app back or a setting to change the photos app to previous version style
The old photos app looks smoother ar arranged
its irritating to open the gallery now
It’s not going to happen. You will just have to learn how to customize the highly customizable Photos app in iOS 18.
As the subject of this thread specifically is the Favorites album, you could move it to where you want it using the Customization feature in the iOS 18 photo app. Or hold the Photos icon on the Home Screen and tap on Favorites in the floating menu.
You can also find it in Utilities, and you can move it using the NEW FEATURE that lets you rearrange the screen to put things where you want them→Customize the Photos app on iPhone - Apple Support. I put Favorites so it is the first thing I see when I open the photos app. See my post in this thread→Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app … - Apple Community
AvrazArdi wrote: "...where is favorite in photos in ios 18 ??..."
Touch & hold the Photos app icon and choose Favorites:
😂 no problem
Apple needs to change it back , we did not ask for This it’s absolutely makes no sense 😑
Bruhhh I hate the new photos update
Thanks for that tip. Even easier. And thanks for your reassuring comments over the last few weeks when I was hesitating to update. You were right!
Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app in iOS 18?