Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app in iOS 18?
where is favorite in photos in ios 18 ?? please answer me .. and i know i can do it in searth but i want another way same last ios .. thank you
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro Max
where is favorite in photos in ios 18 ?? please answer me .. and i know i can do it in searth but i want another way same last ios .. thank you
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro Max
I don’t understand that move Favorites to the middle of nowhere in Photos App. I use it every time when I open App. Now I need to scroll and find it. How bad was that decision by Apple Developers’ Team?
Apple is rapidly loosing the plot, every time you get into the swing of how the ios works they change it in major ways... I love Apple products but sadly I think they have lost the plot!
At least you have yours, the only way i can get to mine is to go the the Search and search for it... as I said in another post, I think Apple is losing the plot!
Im moving to Android if this isnt fixed soon!
It’s in pined collections, the first item. It’s dumb and pretty stupid aid if you don’t have pinned collections edabeld i don’t even think you can reach it
Solution = Customise & reorder = Pinned collections =modify = add favourites and videos
hey guys! I found favorites and took a screenshot to show it to yall but now I can’t find screenshots… 🥲
Please bring our old photos app back or a setting to change the photos app to previous version style
The old photos app looks smoother ar arranged
its irritating to open the gallery now
Why would Apple delete an album called Favorites since it contains - duh - favorites? So stupid - can’t find anywhere. These are very important things to me - thus were favorites!
That’s still so unnecessary. Our favorites used to be at the top of the screen, now we have to do all these steps just to get it back to how it used to be?
[Edited by Moderator]
Why are developers making things so much harder to do the things we do often? Apple, Strava etc one click is now 4 clicks it’s as if they want us to be on the devices constantly! So frustrating.
no one in this user forum works for Apple. An I’m older than both your parents.
Or hold your finger on the Photos icon on the Home screen and chose Favorites from the floating menu that appears.
I still dont see the heart symbol representing fav photos in the main library. Earlier in all photos the favorite ones had heart symbol so u dont delete them but now its missing. Why would apple do it
Dre469 wrote:
Apple needs to change it back , we did not ask for This it’s absolutely makes no sense 😑
Who is "we?" What group are you speaking for?
Apple doesn't read here for feedback or suggestions. You can, however, use the feedback link already provided in this thread to let them know your thoughts. I've let them know how much I like the re-design.
You’re half right. I just found it thanks to your post. For some reason known only to Apple people, Favorites is now in the Pinned Collection folder. So the only thing that changed is you have to open another folder to get to the Favorites folder. Maybe it makes sense to them!🤷
Where is "Favorite" in iPhone Photos app in iOS 18?