Albums missing or moving in iOS 18 photos app
I keep my created albums in alphabetical order, since updating to IOS 18 they do not stay in order even after editing. Anyone else having issues?
iPad Pro, iPadOS 18
I keep my created albums in alphabetical order, since updating to IOS 18 they do not stay in order even after editing. Anyone else having issues?
iPad Pro, iPadOS 18
Please, reverse this photos app to the iOS 17. This was one of the worse updates that Apple has ever done. Nobody likes it!
xyzSardanapalus wrote:
I already hate the "people" "pets" "memories" etc. that are idiotic and impossible to disable.
Swipe to the bottom of the screen to "Customize & Reorder." Untick "People & Pets" and "Memories" and anything else you don't want to see. Poof! They are gone from your screen.
jbv55 wrote:
Wait can you just reverse the photos app to the previous iOS? How? TIA
You cannot revert. This has been explained repeatedly. It's always advisable to read a thread to see if your question has been answered before posting.
I agree with everyone in this conversation. My painstakingly created and maintained albums are all gone! This is a terrible update. Why let us have albums then take them away in one fell swoop? Too annoying!!!
I can't understand the purpose of beating a dead horse on this thread since Apple doesn't monitor it unless you're offering solutions. I personally am ordering a new Apple 16pro because when I updated to iOS 18 I didn't have any lost photos or albums. The photos are in order. Maybe I am just lucky or else maybe it is because I don't back up my photos to the cloud. I am too cheap to pay more than .99 a month and instead back up my photos on my MacBook. Good luck
Just why?
who thought this change to albums was a good idea, needs a word in their ear.
it’s so bad, I’ve put the brakes on my upgrade because I’m simply not getting another iPhone if this isn’t rectified.
photos are a big part of my iPhone usage and it’s now barely usable.
Yes, Apple, please reverse this change of photos or at least give me the text search of albums back!
I have 100+ albums and I used to access ~20 them regularly by searching for the first letters of its name.
Now this function is gone, and I just can’t use my iPhone!
i can see there is a Pinned albums section, but it’s just pain in the *** to pin them - for that, I’d need to search through ~100 albums 20 times all over again to pin them individually.
This makes me very close, so at least stop using iPhone photos app, or to use iPhone at all.
It’s not an update, it’s sabotage…
I have my actual photos missing and I’ll take photos that end up disappearing from my albums later that day. I’m finally switching to droid. My husband’s been telling me for a long time to switch to android for literally all the reasons that are important. I kept my iPhone because it was easier to use, simple, organized, and synced with my MacBook texts. It’s no longer simple or organized and it’s not worth it to me to have my texts synced because it’s so terrible. I’m tired of using my phone on Apple’s terms. They lock you out of your phone in every way - the device and interface. The interface isn’t even user friendly now. It tricks you into using a weird freaking private email idk what they would get out of that. Why do they do this to the consumer. They’re the literal worst next to Tempur Pedic, Jack in the Box, GrubHub, and DoorDash
I found all my Albums by clicking on the word ‘Albums. Then they ALL appeared in a list - even those not showing when you go through the images, as shown in this screenshot.
Everyone is but I posed the fix earlier in this thread.
I’m on a Mac, not a PC. Stopped using PCs in 2008.
That is encouraging. Does that mean when I restore my phone from my mac all of the photos will be there? I am assuming you did it Phone to phone ? Thanks for the update.
I agree!
How do I find misused deleted photos?
In the recently deleted album under albums in the photo app
That is a handy tip, Thanks
Albums missing or moving in iOS 18 photos app