iPhone 13 Pro Max.
Ever since my first iPhone (6 max, large, pro - whatever) I’ve found that virtually every “update” to be one step forward, two steps back. More complexity, (slower because of that), features changed for no apparent reason, counterintuitive operation, and pretty much everything taking more taps, swipes and scrolls than before. An easy example of this is the new settings menu, which is one of the two steps back. Another example is the user guide to ios 18. Why must I be online to access it? I only have cell service at home. I live in a forest which burned down in 2020. After we rebuilt, the cell service was acceptable because there was less foliage on the trees. Now that the redwoods are growing back their foliage, our cell service has become intermittent again. A downloadable user guide would be nice. Another example is the fingertip contortions now necessary to move the cursor through written text, which makes it harder to correct a mistake. Too many options are offered in a misguided attempt to “help”!
Ios 18 to me is a continuation of what I see as Apple’s obsession with a “change just because we can” and “change because it makes us look progressive” attitude. Increasing complexity, unnecessary options, irrelevant cutesy new additions, and confusing logic about the very operation of my phone.
One step forward, two steps back.
I am a dissatisfied customer.
Once again!