Why won't FCPX read timecode from Mp4 files?
If DaVinci Resolve can read timecode from Mp4 files, and Tentacle Sync Software can read timecode from Mp4 files... WHY oh WHY can't/won't Final Cut Pro X read timecode from Mp4 files???? Seems like a simple update that would keep users on their software instead of migrating to other previously mentioned software solutions.... or doing a workaround with those other solutions (exporting xml files, etc) More and more consumer/prosumer cameras (see Sony A7sIII and FX3, Lumix mirrorless cameras, Fuji Mirrorless, etc) are timecode-capable but don't store files in an MXF container therefore the updated capability in FCPX to read timecode from Mp4 files makes sense to me. So how do we make this happen?? What say YOU apple??
Everyone else... am I missing something here?
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 14.7