Screenshot time format needs improvement.
It is a nuisance that the screenshots are not listed in order. A fixup script is a nuisance.
As it stands, I have the date format as "2024-09-27 at 7.02.34 PM"
and I would like it to read "2024-09-27_19.02.34" instead.
(I hate spaces in file names -- I use shell scripts a lot.) Reformatting in this way OUGHT to be trivial. (see "date(1)" for how to do it.) However, my Googling around has not led me to any method for doing that. So I either can't find the right instructions or I want to file an RFE to Apple. (You can call me Don Quixote.)
For anyone else who gets here and at least wants a fixup script:
#! /usr/local/bin/bash
# SS 2024-09-27 at 8.29.23 AM.png
die() {
echo "FATAL: $*"
exit 1
} 1>&2
cd ~/temp
set -- "$prefix "*
test -f "$1" || die "No screenshots in $PWD"
for file
f=${file#$prefix }
time=${f#* at } ; time=${time%.*}
case "${time##* }" in
AM ) add=0 ; time=${time% AM} ;;
PM ) add=12 ; time=${time% PM} ;;
* ) die "confusing date format: $f" ;;
hour=$(printf "%02u" $(( ${time%%.*} + add )) )
g=${f%% *}_${time}.${file##*.}
mv "$file" ${prefix}_${g// /-}
P.S. This ain't "Monterey" -- it's "Ventura". That would be the latest and greatest for Intel silicon.
iMac 27″ 5K