Hi, I think many people don’t understand some fundamentals of camera lenses and optics. All lenses focus to infinity, but they also have a minimum focus distance as well.
My 50mm (1X) for full frame digital focuses down to about 18” and my 24mm (.5X) focuses to about 12” and 14mm focus down to about 8”
My iPhone 16 PM 1X lens is similar to my 50mm Canon lenses, focusing at about 18”. The .5X lens exceeds the near focus capability focusing down to about 6”.
Some feel there’s a sharpness issue. The 13mm lens at 6” is not that sharp and the corners are soft. However, this is typical of all ultra wide angle lenses.
Apple seems to have changed the near focus distance for the 24mm 1X lens. If it’s actually a design change in the lens, no software update will matter. Apple could possibly change the focus algorithm and force the lens to focus closer, but the results may not be acceptably sharp.
I can confirm my wife’s 15 PM at 24mm (1X) focuses sharply at about 14”, maybe closer.