Hard drive partition in a mess
Hey Tech junkies.
Help needed with my Old MBP 13" 2012 Catalina.
I was trying to install Yosemite onto a my MBP in order to make a bootable USB flash drive to install onto my iMac 27" 2012 which is giving me endless problems.
I had followed the instruction off YouTube on downloading Yosemite and creating a bootable USB flash drive till the point where I cut copied and pasted the terminal code :
TERMINAL CODE - copy and paste (PART 1)
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1 && killall Finder
In disk utilities the file was not showing installESD.dmg but instead showed Apple UDIF read only media so I tried to correct it (dumb) and double clicked on the image tab and created something that I thought was correct (dumb again) trying to make it read and write.
As you can see from the screen shots, I think iv created a image partition of my hard drive.
Unfortunately I have not turned on time machine to revert back and sadly no cloud backup.
is there any way to revert back to original ?
Help help help!
MacBook Pro 13″, 10.15