Is iMovie compatible with Quicktime-OS Ventura
I just made an iMovie slideshow a big file which Quicktime says not compatible is there something else I can see it with?
I just made an iMovie slideshow a big file which Quicktime says not compatible is there something else I can see it with?
I have used the Photos app to make slideshows, but iMovie would be rather unusual I think, as it doesn’t have tools to make easy slideshows.
iMovie’s own files are ‘projects’, only to be used with iMovie. Projects are not playback files.
iMovie can Share﹥Export File﹥ in several formats, including H.264 or ProRes, both of which are compatible with QuickTime Player, including on Ventura.
The Photos app can have slideshow projects. Projects are not playback files. You can however Export that to a movie, where you can choose resolution. This outputs an .m4v movie file with H.264 video, which is compatible with QuickTime Player, including on Ventura.
iMovie user guide for Mac - Apple Support
Tried again using ProRes but still will not open in Quicktime....'The file isn’t compatible with QuickTime Player.'
think I may give up as its either useless programme or nobody here knows the answer. I have made a few movies here with music but this time it's not working. :(
As for making a slideshow with photos I didn't know you could do that especially as I am adding music
Is iMovie compatible with Quicktime-OS Ventura