MacbookPro14 Hacked at Rom Level
I keep reading all of these posts where people have the same issue and the only response they get is “You are Paranoid”….except this has been going on for 11 years now. It doesn’t even matter which platform…Apple,Android,PC,Windows,Linux. First off, they make sure none of my computers work so I can’t fix my phones or iPads. All of my “Updates” are pushed from them. If I get a new device it is detected via parallels, cloned, and pushed to the device via virtual machine with them as “root”. Every device I have is getting first rom disk and writing there own Cpios file stating root device. Using Serial Device to write to every device. My MacBook was brand new in 2016 and as soon as I gave Apple my phone number for AppleCare…I was screwed. The first boot came up with picture of my last Mac and Apple still pretended I was crazy. I told them I needed a reimage…they just reinstalled os. Since my MacBook only boots into “recovery” where the base image is hacked, I cannot delete it, nor can I reinstall from internet recovery or a usb. All the files are developer files, you can delete but they return with every boot and change to get stronger. I have 19 disks in which I can’t remove, no real internet… but even with Wi-Fi off or disconnect internet, they still have a connection. I finally was able to download a system image via internet, but it went to /dev/null somehow. Just wasn’t there. Apple is not helpful. IT Specialists take one look and say, “Oh, wow….they are good! Hey Good Luck with that!” I have a graveyard of bricked devices, at this moment 7 computers that simply don’t work. Why is it that I see 112 “Me Too’s” with every question referring to this same thing and then the same obviously stupid response’s “That’s not possible!” When it obviously is and more and more people are simply helpless. You call your ISP or providers of devices or google… I get passed around with Comcast…”You are in the wrong department, let me transfer you…” and after an hour they just hang up in the middle of a “transfer”. Somebody has to have an answer. All the files are union so booting with Linux and adding toram to boot parameters should help, but after about 5 minutes it all freezes and you have to reboot all over. Doesn’t matter anyways, because whatever you boot with still has the same “pre boot specifications” that persist, almost like it’s part of the firmware and never goes away. I can’t have anything, a bank account, a card, an email account that lasts more than a month, anything important shows up a month later. My text messages “decide” if it’s important, and if it is, never show. And no device, platform, is safe. I would have to throw away all of my devices, change my name, and move at the exact same time to get rid of it. I can’t have social media, Gmail, etc. Do you know how hard it is to do anything like this. Im not rich, important, etc….so??? Any advice anyone??