I have upgraded to iPhone 16 and now have the Mimi test . Just took it and my Airpods are working better. Music is better. Having some trouble adjusting volume listening to TV. But they are working. I am going to check the results against the results sheet provided by my Audiologist and make manual adjustments in the health app. Don’t have exact method, but it is possible.
My reason for getting the AirPods was to have a backup to my over the ear HAs. Both have been in for repairs and they were only one year old.
Hint: only send in one at at time, if the other one still functions somewhat. Ask me how I know.
Be aware, AirPods are intended to get music and audio over Bluetooth. Ambient audio, I haven’t fully explored, info seems sketchy.
Health Canada is supposedly consulting with ALL audiology professional organizations in each province. Having a for profit organization between you and the real Apple test gives you a warm feeling, doesn’t it?
It’s not a federal government thing, our constitution gives responsibility for medical to each province. Still, it’s not good for common folks.