APFS Fix Partition Sizes in One Container
I have a nagging feeling I did this wrong. I have an 8TB external drive that I use for Time Machine as well as extra file storage. Am running Ventura.
I have one container.
I have two partitions in that one container. One is Time Machine and the other is for the files.
I am under the impression that with APFS, that the Time Machine partition will just keep growing until the drive is full, crowding out room for the external files in that one container.
1) Is that right?
2) If correct, is there anything I can do to restrict the partition size in that one container?
3) If no, then can I create a new container on the drive, set it to 4 TB (or whatever) and then copy the files over from one of the partitions to the new container and delete the old partition. And will this fix the Time Machine to a max of half the drive at 4TB? Or create a new container and move that one partition to it?
iMac 27″ 5K, macOS 13.7