Metadata on video files missing when downloaded to Windows 10 PC via iCloud.

This has been functioning 100% for years until THE DAY I updated my iPhone 15 Pro Max to iOS18. Video files taken BEFORE the update still download complete with metadata. So the problem must be iOS18 has changed the file format itself???

I have 2 other devices updated to iOS18 and they exhibit the same problem. So it's not iPhone 15 related.

Metadata is present and correct on PHOTOS downloaded to the PC no problem.

NOTE: The metadata is still present on the file info on the PHONE!

I have contacted Apple about this, but got nowhere. My only hope is someone had the same problem and fixed it with ease and thought nothing of it.


1) if I change the camera format from my usual Most Compatible to High Efficiency, the metadata does download with the video.

2) if I convert the downloaded MOV file to MP4, the metadata re-appears.

The downside to this is, when I download my holiday videos, there's no way of putting them in sequence as the Date Aquired or Taken fields are blank.

Anyone put me out of my misery?


iPhone 15 Pro Max

Posted on Nov 2, 2024 6:55 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jan 20, 2025 11:50 AM

iOS/iPadOS 18 introduced QuickTime FullFrameRatePlaybackIntent tag. It seems currently Windows might be incompatible. If that tag is present, Windows might fail to display thumbnails and most metadata items in its Details panel (Media created, resolution, frame rate, audio details etc).

Until this is fixed in Windows a workaround is to remove it with exiftool v13.09 or later:

exiftool -m -P -overwrite_original -Keys:FullFrameRatePlaybackIntent=

High frame rate playback option in iOS/iP… - Apple Community

33 replies
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Nov 4, 2024 6:34 AM in response to ghostanime2001

No, absolutely not. I've always recorded videos in 1920 x 1080 in H.264.

It is true that when in MOV format, there's no metadata and in MP4, metadata is present.

To re-iterate, if I download ANY other videos from iCloud PRIOR to iOS18, they download in MOV format but with metadata in tact. For now, I am going to switch to HEVC until I can find a workaround.

The left half is from a video 3 days ago and the right half is a video I took 4 days prior to iOS18.

I am lost. I really appreciate your time.


Nov 3, 2024 1:26 AM in response to ghostanime2001

It’s annoying because it worked flawlessly up until iOS18.

I was hopeful iOS18.1 would solve the issue but sadly not.

I looked at the root directory of the iPhone and found the videos concerned. Downloaded them directly to the PC but still no metadata.

As I mentioned, if I use High Efficiency mode, the metadata is present once again but the resolution is only 720. But that is an option.


Nov 3, 2024 9:15 AM in response to mlhifi

mlhifi wrote:

It’s annoying because it worked flawlessly up until iOS18.
I was hopeful iOS18.1 would solve the issue but sadly not.
I looked at the root directory of the iPhone and found the videos concerned. Downloaded them directly to the PC but still no metadata.
As I mentioned, if I use High Efficiency mode, the metadata is present once again but the resolution is only 720. But that is an option.

Did you by any chance record the video in HEVC format from the beginning ?


Nov 8, 2024 3:00 AM in response to 72clg

Yes, I discovered the same, MOV to MP4 and metadata is available once again.

Windows 10, in the store, does a simple program that does that in bulk too. Very useful.

It's called "Any Video Converter" in case you are not aware of it.

No idea how many it can do at one time, but I've done 6 in one go.

Your screen grabs are exactly the same as mine, before and after. It is definitely iOS 18 that caused this. I spent far too long on the phone with Apple but got nowwhere.


Dec 24, 2024 8:53 PM in response to mlhifi

Hello there,

Did you ever find a solution to this? I just downloaded all my photos to my PC for my semi-annual backup and everything after I updated to IOS 18 is a complete mess. I started looking around and this thread has been the most helpful; but it still doesn't seem to show a solution for how to get the metadata, and in particular the date taken, to show up in windows explorer and the file properties.


Dec 26, 2024 2:42 AM in response to pleeseemailme


Your photos should still be ok with regard metadata after iOS18.

With videos, I still have the problem. Only 2 ‘solutions’ although not perfect.

1) in camera settings, set 1080p HD at 30fps (High Efficiency). This gives you metadata although shows as 720p despite the setting 🤷‍♂️

2) use the Blackmagic camera app. This does give metadata and 1080p but is quite complicated.

I am still investigating the Camera P3 app but I need to be sure first before paying for it. There is a free version but I can’t record in H264 without actually paying; I think!

Sorry I can’t give you much more than that.

However, if you find a solution, please let me know on this thread.

Good luck.


Jan 3, 2025 6:48 AM in response to mlhifi

I agree, this is a problem that should not have existed. Does this P3 cameral integrate with the home screen at all? My biggest issue with my 3rd party cameral is unlocking the device and navigating to the camera app, especially when its a spur of the moment video I'm taking.

Also, is the P3 camera the one developed by Thomas Blackburn? My search for P3 camera didn't return any exact results.



Jan 25, 2025 6:57 AM in response to Matti Haveri

What a great find Matti, I would never have discovered that in a thousand years!

And yes, just checked 2 video files, 1 from before iOS18 and 1 after. Sure enough, that tag is there on the latter file!

Slightly laborious to do 1 file at a time, perhaps a batch script would be possible?

I have no idea about this type of inner-workings so that's me out.

I just tried a way to edit the file but I haven't a clue. I tried renaming to exiftool.exe as suggested in the docs and run CMD but I am lost from there. I am guessing it's all about getting the correct folder allocation to where the files are? I will keep pushing on; only way to learn.

As I have mentioned in this thread before, I'm in my 70's so it doesn't come that easy!

Watch this space!!


Jan 30, 2025 5:10 AM in response to pleeseemailme


Thank you for those links. However, I have driven myself crazy, using exiftools within a folder in the root directory. I can see all the metadata of my video file but to delete just one tag is turning me to drink!

I think I'm getting there but then all I see is error after error!

I know syntax is all important, but I never really understood all the various terms.

Onwards and upwards.

Bottom line, all I want to do is delete the tag "Full Frame Rate Playback Intent"

As Matti said, it's the only field that is an added extra. ALL other fields are present in both pre and post iOS18.


Feb 13, 2025 6:34 AM in response to charlie95722

Thank you charlie95722. I haven't tried it yet, but it obviously works.

I too used to work in DOS so it's kind of familiar, but I am not confident at all when it comes to PowerShell or Command Prompt.

But I am happy to give it a go.

I will report back on here when I have tried to convert my (so many) videos.

It would be nice if Microsoft would allow this extra line in the metadata to NOT prevent, at least, the Date Taken.


Feb 17, 2025 6:58 AM in response to charlie95722

charlie95722, 80 eh? I am mid-70's but I have memory issues for one reason or another, so sadly I am finding it difficult despite my stint using DOS and writing in Machine Code Language, ie loading registers etc with their values.

I haven't got around to it yet but I will.

It's interesting that Microsoft have said they are "working on it". For anyone from Microsoft in programming, this is a piece of cake so I expect a resolution soon ha ha (won't hold my breath!)

To reiterate, in the beginning, ie, last year, I approached Apple and had lengthy discussions with them but got nowhere. I was also in touch with them via email which, eventually, stopped responding to me. I took that as a sign!!

I will soldier on. Thanks for all your help, it really should help me when I get around to it.



Mar 1, 2025 4:28 PM in response to charlie95722

Using these instructions I was able to update my videos, thanks for your help. I wasn't seeing thumbnails or Date Created stamps and this fixed both.

The weird issue however is that when I load the files into Windows Movie Maker (I know it's a 2012 application, but I like it and it works), none of the updated videos have audio. I've installed the K-Lite codec package but that hasn't fixed it. If I were to watch the videos normally, they have audio. I just like to consolidate all of the videos of my kids into a single video.

When I consolidate the videos into a single video, the resulting video does have audio but I can't hear any audio while editing in Movie Maker and there are no waveforms on those videos.

I'm open to any suggestions people may have on this.


Metadata on video files missing when downloaded to Windows 10 PC via iCloud.

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