The issue I am having is a little complicated. Basically, it consists of the following:
-when I added Apple Music and Apple TV apps is when my problems started. All of my music library on iTunes was transferred into Apple Music. Apple Music, for me, was not as satisfying an experience as was iTunes.
-after realizing that re-building my music library in iTunes would be exhausting and very time consuming, I finally inquired if there was an alternative. I was finally given the solution to simply delete the Apple Music and Apple TV apps. Magically, it seems, my library was restored in iTunes.
-I then noticed that, while I was attempting to restore my iTunes library, and before I deleted the 2 apps, only 2 categories were now available on my new iTunes library: podcasts and audiobooks. So, it seems all the songs were not in the song (nor album, genre, etc.) category. Songs were in the audiobooks category. This seemed unnecessary and annoying. In a foolish attempt to organize my iTunes and remove all the songs that were in the audiobook category, I deleted the songs there. Well, ALL the songs disappeared from my library, well it seems at least 99.9% of them did.
-So, I began the process of rebuilding my iTunes library yet again.
-The realization occurred to me that my iTunes library is intact on my iPod. Thus, this gave rise to the question I posed: can I simply transfer my library on my iPod, directly on to my iTunes app on my computer's Windows 10?
-I wanted to delete the iTunes app and then reinstall it first because I want the iTunes library to be clean, i.e., blank, with no music, and just be ready to receive all the songs on my iPod smoothly.
I am not sure what you mean by database file, the media files or both. If by database files, I think you mean the music files that are on my computer, of which there are many, thousands, all of those seem to be present, untouched. If by media files you mean the files that are the files (be it mp3, WAV, etc. format) I download to iTunes, which I then download onto my iPod, these are the files I am talking about. So, forgive me if I misunderstand your terminology. What I mean are the music files that have been transferred onto my iTunes library, I guess the media files.
Any more help from you would be greatly appreciated.