new yorker charge rejected
Last spring I got an Apple card for travelling abroad - the ease of use is great. I have had other cards hacked over the years and gotten sent new ones. Recently I had a CHASE card hacked and CHASE took care of notifying Amazon and several other companies which I had set up for automatic withdrawals. ( I pay in full each month. )
But when the renewal for my New Yorker subscription came up, the Applecard refused it. I got sent the message to okay the subscription which I did, but two weeks later the charge was AGAIN rejected. I approved it again. I gave a new credit card to the New Yorker. The original charge was again rejected, and this time Applecard said they'd give me a new number. Now other (automatic) charges against the old card are being refused. I'm fixing them as fast as I see them but I'm worried that my credit score is going to be affected.