Creating multi-line title in Numbers
How would I create a title heading of 3 or 4 lines and the
spreadsheet chart start below it
in Numbers.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 14.6
How would I create a title heading of 3 or 4 lines and the
spreadsheet chart start below it
in Numbers.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 14.6
Interesting - you focussed on the 'chart' aspect of the original post, I focussed on the 'header'. Not sure which one is closer to the OP's thinking :)
If the goal is to have a chart with arbitrary header, forget manipulating the chart settings. Just create a blank table with the header text and position it above your chart on the sheet.
For example:
This is not a chart with a legend, it's a chart, with a separate table positioned above it.
Gridlines and outlines of the table are turned off, so it just looks like floating text. Clearly you can have as many rows and columns of text as you like.
Actually it can be done -- Shift + Enter will create a new line. It won't be visible until you commit your change.
However, I agree with your reason for not doing this though and don't do it myself.
You can drag the legend to elsewhere and drag the size of it to make it tall vs wide, like you would want it to be if on the side of the chart.
We can't do multi-line names/titles for tables, though. This is probably because table names are used in cell references and it would be a hot mess. The shorter the better for table names.
Hi Larry,
Just keep typing!
The title may cover the legend, but I see no way of moving the title or the legend.
Easy. Just tell Numbers that's what you want.
Select any cell in the table and choose Format -> Table in the inspector.
Choose how many header and footer rows you want
Yes, 👍 I didn't think of a table (or text box).
Sorry I meant spreadsheet but I got the idea. Thanks
Thanks. Learn something new every day.
This worked, thanks.
Creating multi-line title in Numbers