WhyCantISayMyName wrote:
I think my account has been compromised because I’ve not been keeping up with my passwords. I’ve been working on updating all of my passwords/security measures based on information provided through the Apple helpline and was shocked to see the amount of dark web exposure that Google uncovered for my gmail account. 37 instances — I’m going to be following all the recommended measures from Apple as well as Google.
Anything referencing “dark web” is best initially assumed unserious, until proven otherwise; assumed to be entertainment, advertising, sketchy, or quote possibly a scam.
Email addresses are not and cannot be secret.
And knowing an email address does not provide access to the account.
Password re-use is, however, approximately doom. Password stuffing is very common, and various services can be breached.
You can see some of the various services that have leaked your credentials at haveibeenpwned.com — and some of those will have used weak or too often no security for their password storage.
Most sites where an email address is provided should be assumed to have sold it, unless the fine print says otherwise. And even then, they can either lose it or sell it.
Enable two-factor authentication, use unique and robust passwords, and use a password manager such as iClpud Keychain. (If the passwords are unique, account compromises don’t have any effects past the compromised service itself.)
Better Securing Your Data, and Apple Account - Apple Community