BROKEN - “Hey Siri I Like This Song" Apple Music Command No Longer Works - HomePod OS 18.2
If I say "Hey Siri I like this song" it replies with the useless response "I found some web results" message. It used to say "I’ve added the song to your Favorites playlist." and marked it as a favorited song.
I have four Apple HomePods all running HomePod OS 18.2.
Before HomePod OS 18 the phrase hey “Siri, I like this song” worked every time. The song would be added to the Favorites playlist. This command has worked for years and now since OS 18, it no longer works and it’s very frustrating.
It’s so frustrating to hear “I found some web results.” Siri is getting worse and worse and worse. Siri is a massive joke.
I don’t run Apple betas because I don’t want the headache, but here we are with a public release full of bugs.
Whatever happened to creating a good user experience being a top priority at Apple? Sad.