Monterey 12.7.4 networking display issue
Hi there. I am running a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro networked together. I recently updated both machines to Monterey 12.7.4 and suddenly have an issue. I am a composer and run Vienna Ensemble Pro on one machine (which houses all my sound libraries) and Cubase on the other (my main piece of software). Everything connects fine, EXCEPT there is no visual when I try and edit the connection between the two machines from within Cubase. I have noticed that the graphics have deteriorated significantly in Screen Sharing and was wondering if this could have anything to do with it as both companies behind Cubase and Vienna Ensemble Pro aren't able to figure this out. Is it a graphics issue? Any ideas or could you refer me to similar questions in the community? Thank you!
(My machines are Mac Pro 2013 and Macbook Pro late 2015. Both 1GB harddrive, 16GB memory
Never had any issues with either machine.)