Impact of switching routers on HomeKit?
Greetings all,
So it's becoming clear to me that I need to replace my very old AirPort with a more modern and powerful wifi router. The camera that I had in my garage (Eve) stopped working and when I replaced it with a camera from Eufy (I have three others, they work fine), it likewise can't connect (very intermittent). So, I think it's the router.
Question: when I replace the router, if I give the new wifi network the same name and password, will of the HomeKit accessories reconnect as before or will I have to find every accessory (ack!) and reprogram them all individually.
I have a separate mesh network but that doesn't work with HomeKit at least not to my inverter. Instead each node of the mesh network looks like a separate router but all with the same network and password. Impossible to use.
AirPort Extreme