iPad eSIM -v- Data Sharing between iPhone & Cellular iPad
I've purchased a Cellular iPad in the hope that - when theres no wi-fi connection - I can still surf the web (via a 'cellular' signal) with my iPad, while remaining free to take voice calls (on my iPhone).
Does anyone know if sharing cellular 'Data' from an iPhone Cellular Carrier Plan with my iPad, would allow me to take / receive calls 'at the same time as surfing the web' ?
Another option (that would enable surfing plus taking calls at the same time when theres no wi-fi) would be paying 'monthly' for a dedicated 'Data Only' eSim for my iPad, as well as paying monthly for my Cell Carrier Plan on my Phone. (In the absence of wi-fi, that would definitely allow calls and web surfing 'simultaneously' but would mean I'd be hit with 'two' monthly charges instead of one).
I know that a 'further option' is to buy a one-off Data eSim, then - when the data runs out - buy another one (and to keep doing that). However, most carriers 'terminate' those kind of Data Only eSims after one month (whether or not you've used up the Data Allocation you purchased) thereby still compelling you to buy a new one each month. Thats practically no different to having a 'billed-monthly' eSIM (plus the faffing about to renew each month is extra time consuming).
Thanks in advance for any thoughts. NB: Apple states:
iPad Air