Best practice to clean and fix system drive - Monterey 12.7.6
Hi all. OS 12.7.6, late-2015 iMac 27", 48 gig RAM.
So, I'm a new (and unwitting) user of Monterey, and it appears that Apple has decided that my old manner of backing up and keeping my system drive maintained is not OK.
Briefly, I've successfully maintained all my Macs by cloning the hard drive regularly (using commercially available backup software like "SuperDuper"), and if they start acting up, starting from the clone, fixing or erasing the system drive, and then reinstalling the OS and copying data back to the revived system drive.
Apparently, with the advent of Monterey, that's not viable. My SuperDuper "clone" will not boot (and they report issues about this on their site); and downloading "ChronoSync", another backup utility, yields a release note that states that "bootable clones are of less importance in Monterey and beyond". And similar results when creating a "bootable clone".
So, after numerous failed attempts with the 3rd-party solutions, I decided to do it Apple's way.
I turned on Time Machine, and made a complete backup of my system drive. I read all about installing a fresh copy of Monterey "over" the existing data. And proceeded to have no success:
-1) when restarting in Recovery, and attempting to install Monterey onto the system drive, I get this message: "The operation couldn't be completed ( error 21.)"
-2) when attempting to restore from the Time Machine backup, I get an error that states that I can't, and I need to install Monterey on the system drive first.
So I'm in a Catch-22...cant install the fresh OS, can't use the backup until I install a fresh OS.
What's a person to do?