Continued corespotlightd process CPU overload issues

I am wondering if anyone has discovered any new ideas for stopping the corespotlightd process from hogging the CPU. According to Activity Monitor, the corespotlightd process often occupies more than 100% of the CPU load, sometimes spiking as high as 400% on my M2 Ultra Mac Studio. This problem has become so severe that it often pinwheels under normally non-intensive tasks. It can cause the video to flicker on my Studio Display. In one case it caused my Mac to kernel panic (crash).

I encountered this bug only after installing Sequoia 15.2, but having researched this issue extensively, I find that Mac users have identified it since at least macOS Ventura. So here are some solutions we don't need to hear again:

Reindexing Spotlight by adding and removing volumes in Spotlight Privacy. This provides relief only temporarily. Within hours the process is again grinding the Mac to a halt.

Killing the corespotlightd in Activity Monitor. Again, this is at best only a temporary solution as the process will reinstate itself.

A "clean" install of macOS. First of all, no such process really exists. The OS recovery process simply reinstalls a new copy of the System files. Nobody reports this as a fix. An internal drive wipe and reformat, and restore from Time Machine is also unlikely to help, as it simply returns your Mac to its previous state. If the corespotlightd problem results from a corrupted file, the problem will likely simply be recreated in your reinstall. "Nuke and pave" might solve the problem if it caused by a format or directory issue on your startup volume. This does not seem to be the case, but if anyone has permanently cured the problem by this method, please report it.

What we do need to hear is from anyone who has spent time with Apple Support on this issue and been provided with solutions that actually work, or has new ideas about what causes it. Feels like we're on our own here, since Apple seems to be stumped.

Posted on Dec 19, 2024 11:21 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Feb 8, 2025 2:10 AM

Hi everyone. I also encountered this issue that corespotlightd was slugging down my M1 MBP 16GB (2021) so immensely that my system had a freeze for around 5-8 seconds every minute or so.

Reading that according to your findings it might be related to large Pages files it got my attention because I'm currently working on my Thesis and use Zotero with lots of indexing and caching. I assumed this might be the limit of this machine but that thought was strange because I worked on so much more taxing tasks and it just performed good enough that the operating system was still performant enough. My Thesis file currently only has half a MB (currently mainly text) so that can't be the issue I thought.

After working for days like this (it really gets frustrating) I decided to invest some time in troubleshooting again. Before that I tried to reindex Spotlight (through System Settings and Terminal) or cleared up some space but nothing did the trick. Also not even turning off Apple Intelligence which I thought could be the culprit made a difference. Until I stumbled upon some thread somewhere which just generally stated that deleting the Cache Folder in Library (Finder>Go>Go To Folder>~/Library/Caches) might help or not but it's generally not a bad idea to clean it out from time to time. Well I didn't do that for like 4 years! Which actually speaks for the rigidity of macOS.

I went to that folder and it had a size about 50GB and literally right after deleting it the freezes and the high CPU usage of corespotlightd went away. I now waited several hours to see if it was just something temporary but it seems like this was indeed the solution.

And I forgot to mention: I upgraded from 15.2 to 15.3 several days ago and it seems like something in the Cache became corrupted or faulty (be it system files or app files) and caused corespotlightd to go rampant.

So in short: give the cleanup of the ~/Library/Caches folder a try. It might help and solve this high CPU usage of corespotlightd. Hope this helps anyone.

179 replies
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Feb 3, 2025 4:05 PM in response to CaptainJoy

CaptainJoy wrote:

ericmurphysf asked:
How heavy a user of Pages are you?
I use Pages all the time. As a rule, I always have at least one Pages document open, and often one or more are >10 MB.

I suspect this is the root of the problem. I don't know if the amount of metadata accumulated on your system is comparable to mine, but for the last quarter of last year I was editing at least one file (on multiple Macs) that by that time had grown to ~200 MB (roughly 1,200 pages with many embedded graphics), and I'm pretty certain the result was half a terabyte of metadata saved in my user library folder. I strongly suspect a consequence of that amount of metadata was system instability, major issues with Time Machine backups, and degraded search performance in Spotlight to the point of unusability.

Since deleting this metadata last week, all three of these issues have resolved. The one remaining issue is that metadata continues to accumulate at an alarming rate, which will likely force me to remove it just as I did the last time, probably within the next two months. I'm pretty sure this is a bug somewhere in Apple's code that will need to be resolved via a future macOS update.


Feb 4, 2025 2:56 AM in response to SBML

Hi, I am new Reading this post and writing. I started having these kind of problems a couple of months ago. My MacBook Pro is from June this year, so less than one year old.

I have checket and I also have a store.db file of 17,51 Gb and another one of 1,91 Gb.

What soul I do about it? Can I just delete them?

Thank you ver much!


Feb 6, 2025 2:39 PM in response to ericmurphysf

Currently trying this out to fix that bug myself, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. So I just want to make extra sure I got what you're saying. Now when you said deleting the metadata out of Corespotlight and SpotlightKnowledgeEvents, can I just delete everything inside those folders? Not working with Terminal here. Or keep the folders inside intact and just delete the lists and whatever is in there? Thanks!


Feb 6, 2025 3:01 PM in response to fronesis47

In a word, yes. I have two Macs (an M2 Ultra Studio and an M1 MBA), and neither was migrated from a previous Mac. Of these only the Studio exhibits this problem. I'm not sure what you mean by without migrated data, though. My files and apps were manually migrated on the Studio.

Some of the theories for the origin of this issue are interesting but probably have to be treated as theories. As I've mentioned in previous posts, since the last time I deleted the spotlight plist, I have not been afflicted by this issue. It's been a couple of weeks now.

fronesis47 wrote:

But I really wonder if anyone out there can replicate this problem on a brand new Mac without any migrated data???


Feb 6, 2025 3:54 PM in response to Mitch Stone

Mitch Stone wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean by without migrated data, though. My files and apps were manually migrated on the Studio.

I meant migrated automatically, using the migration assistant. On my M3 air I did not use migration assistant at all, and that machine is not affected by this problem.

Some of the theories for the origin of this issue are interesting but probably have to be treated as theories. As I've mentioned in previous posts, since the last time I deleted the spotlight plist, I have not been afflicted by this issue. It's been a couple of weeks now.

It's interesting that you've had good success with only deleting that plist file. I had previously deleted almost everything, and the problem came back.

I have just now again deleted the entire corespotlight folder in (in the library folder) and the preferences file you mentioned, but I think I see the corespotlight folder already growing again. We'll see.


Feb 6, 2025 4:08 PM in response to fronesis47

fronesis47 wrote:

I have just now again deleted the entire corespotlight folder in (in the library folder) and the preferences file you mentioned, but I think I see the corespotlight folder already growing again. We'll see.

This has been my experience too. An hour or so after deleting the contents of these folders, I'll see a few GB of metadata accumulating already. And if I have a Pages file open, that growth will continue. Just a week after deleting all of this metadata (on a computer that had a particular Pages file open and being edited more or less continuously), the CoreSpotlight folders had already grown to over 100 GB.

In my experience, having a Pages file open on a system, at least a large one, but even if you're not actually editing it, seems to accelerate the accumulation of metadata. On one of my systems I had a ~14 MB Pages file open, and metadata seemed to accumulate at 10-20 GB per day. Closing that one file when I wasn't actively editing it greatly slowed down the accumulation of metadata.

As noted elsewhere, my hypothesis is that when you have a Pages file open (especially if you're editing it), the various Spotlight processes don't just reindex the changes; they re-index the entire file, and not by replacing existing metadata but by adding to it. In my case, the Pages files in question are synced via iCloud and are being edited on multiple Macs. It seems that if you close the file, then edit it on another computer, and then later re-open it, Spotlight reindexes the entire file, but only that one time (until you edit it some more). If you leave it open while you're editing it on another system, the same thing happens: Spotlight seems to reindex the entire file with every edit. This can add tens of gigabytes a day of metadata on a file that might only be a few megabytes in size.

Until Apple releases a fix for this issue (which may or may not ever happen), I think the best way to avoid rapid accumulations of metadata is to close Pages files when you're not actively editing them. Even having them open on another system and editing them there (if they're synced via iCloud) will still lead to vast quantities of metadata creation, as much at 20 GB a day.


Feb 8, 2025 10:15 AM in response to fronesis47

I believe this to be all true and correct. The various painkillers we are taking for this condition are just palliative. I find that deleting the plist for Spotlight mitigates the issue, but only for a while. Incidentally, no matter what other measures you take, an OS update will cause the process to spike. I presume this is normal behavior.

Now I wonder if anyone can trigger this issue with files other than Pages. This seems to be the commonality, but I'm uncertain. Also, the next experiment for someone to try is to create a new user on your Mac and open a file that triggers the process in that user account. I'm guessing that it won't.

NB: The widget for sorting these threads chronologically can't be found consistently in any one place, but if you scroll through the posts you will usually find one attached to a post. Why Apple makes this so hard is just another mystery.

fronesis47 wrote:

AshkaTheMoltenFury wrote:

So in short: give the cleanup of the ~/Library/Caches folder a try. It might help and solve this high CPU usage of corespotlightd. Hope this helps anyone.

Unfortunately, I think that apple's default to "sort by rank" means that many people are MISSING the most important discoveries in this thread. The above WILL make things better, but only temporarily – it's treating the symptom, not the cause.

The cause of all this, as ericmurphy has laid out and a number of us have replicated, has to do with a problem with spotlight indexing of Pages files. Even if you clean everything out, as above, if you then open Pages files (especially larger ones) and keep them open, you can literally watch as the various mdworker processes write MASSIVE amounts of data into the core spotlight metadata folders. Depending on other aspects of your system, at some point that folder will get so big that the corespotlightd process will slow your Mac down.

The temporary workaround• is to regularly delete the metadata folders.
The temporary and still very much less than ideal "fix• " is to TURN OFF spotlight indexing.
Any real solution• here will require Apple to make some tweak to spotlight or Pages.


Feb 8, 2025 10:28 AM in response to CaptainJoy

No, but nobody has found a permanent fix. The last time I deleted the plist it seemed to mitigate the issue for a several weeks. Other times, it came right back. Others report that deleting the data files has similarly inconsistent results.

CaptainJoy wrote:

Mitch Stone said:
Curiously, deleting the Spotlight plist file does tame this behavior for better part of a day.
Turning off the "help Apple" selection in the Spotlight settings as suggested by another user
did as well. But this is not a sticky fix. The problem always returns, at least for me.
Mitch Stone, you've been advocating for deleting the Spotlight plist file. The reason I opted for deleting the contents of the CoreSpotlight and SpotlightKnowledgeEvents folders was because you said on Dec. 30 that deleting the Spotlight plist file was a fix that would only last about a day. Am I misunderstanding something?


Feb 8, 2025 1:18 PM in response to fronesis47

I agree with Mitch Stone: it would be good to know if other documents (such as Numbers files) cause the same problem, and to see what happens with a new user.

THANK YOU to sugarskyline for showing me how to change the default presentation of the message board.

During all my trials and tribulations with this issue I've had several Numbers files open on various computers (I almost never use Keynote). Most of the Numbers files are not very large (half a megabyte or so), but one is nearly a hundred megabytes. That's mostly embedded graphics though, and I'm not sure how much indexing gets done on graphics.

In any case, Numbers files do not appear to make either corespotlightd or Spotlight metadata spike. YMMV, naturally.


Feb 8, 2025 2:11 PM in response to ericmurphysf

I should probably clarify that whether or not I have multiple Numbers files open on various computers seems not to affect either how much CPU time corespotlightd uses or how quickly Spotlight metadata piles up.

Having even one Pages file open, by contrast, has a huge effect on both.


Feb 9, 2025 10:36 AM in response to fronesis47

If the folder is the core problem, what would happen if someone locked it (Get Info > Locked) ? Not well versed on how the OS works so I don't want to attempt in case it breaks something, but theoretically, would be there any value in locking the folder/relevant innermost folder to prevent anything from being written?


Feb 9, 2025 10:57 AM in response to sugarskyline

sugarskyline wrote:

If the folder is the core problem, what would happen if someone locked it (Get Info > Locked) ? Not well versed on how the OS works so I don't want to attempt in case it breaks something, but theoretically, would be there any value in locking the folder/relevant innermost folder to prevent anything from being written?

Interesting question. I don't know the answer.

I do know that file and folder locking in the current MacOS is a very old legacy of the Classic MacOS, and that the read/write permissions of OS X basically override it.

Of course, you cold also change that folder to read only. I don't know what would happen, but I'm wary of trying it because a bunch of spotlight processes expect to be able to write to that folder. I worry that some stuff could go haywire if you randomly blocked their access.

The good thing about my current workaround is that it minimizes the potential problems, but doesn't break anything.


Feb 9, 2025 2:03 PM in response to Mitch Stone

Mitch Stone wrote:

Earlier in this discussion it was established that iCloud is not the culprit. Files that will trigger the problem will do so whether they are stored locally or in iCloud. I meant corespotlightd because this the process I see as being hyperactive when the CPU is overloaded. Either way I have had this large Pages file open for over an hour now and the file has not grown at all. Unfortunately all of the theories we've come up with so far are incomplete or flawed. They only seem to work for some users some of the time.

I realize iCloud is not the cause per se (because the problem has been reproduced with Pages files that are not on iCloud Drive). I'm curious about exploring the possibility that the problem is worse without the optimize function on. It seems to me that with my two machines, there's just much slower growth of the folder on the machine with optimize on.

I'll also add: I'm not sure your case completely disproves the general thesis. 60Gb is a really large metadata file. It's already at the point that corespotlightd is taking over the CPU. So by this point it doesn't really matter that the folder has stopped (or significantly) slowed its growth; it's already a problem. And I guess I have to assume that the folder got that big for the same reasons as everyone else. If you could delete your folder, and then open a pages file and have the folder not grow – that would be a totally different data point.

Now that I've been deleting my metadata folder (as an experiment) I have absolutely zero issues with corespotlightd. If the corespotlight folder is smaller than 10Gb I find I never have any slowdowns at all.


Feb 9, 2025 2:24 PM in response to Mitch Stone

I have another question: do people with Apple Silicon systems ever see the size of their Spotlight metadata folders decline? I've got two Intel systems and two AS systems, and while I never have seen these folders' sizes shrink (other than when I manually delete them) on Intel systems, I often see them get smaller on their own on AS systems, especially on my M2 Max MBP.

I'm not sure this is actually happening (I suspect it's just the Finder having difficulty giving accurate sizes to folders with a lot of subfolders, which is more the case with AS systems). But I have noted that AS systems do not seem to see as rapid growth of Spotlight metadata as my Intel systems do. I've repeatedly deleted metadata on Intel systems only to see it grow back to an absurd extent. But I've never deleted the metadata out of either AS system, and so far neither one has ever gotten any bigger than 47 MB, and currently neither system has more than 25 GB worth of Spotlight metadata.


Feb 9, 2025 3:03 PM in response to ericmurphysf

ericmurphysf wrote:

I have another question: do people with Apple Silicon systems ever see the size of their Spotlight metadata folders decline? I've got two Intel systems and two AS systems, and while I never have seen these folders' sizes shrink (other than when I manually delete them) on Intel systems, I often see them get smaller on their own on AS systems, especially on my M2 Max MBP.

I can keep an eye out and report back! 🙂


Continued corespotlightd process CPU overload issues

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