I can now say that my issue is related to Universal Control, and that the system is not really freezing, but it loses its WIFI connection, and most of the time, all input devices and/or the USB bus. It appears to freeze, but responds do the TouchId button and I can login/logout with it.
I am almost 100% certain that this is a software (OS) issue and not a hardware issue.
I started tailing all logs in order to see what is taking place around the time of the issue, and this is what I typically see:
Wed Feb 19 09:36:47.055 [airport] @[683805.308694] (airportProcessCommand.m:1667) Processed events, count[ 19], @[683805.305560], took 0.003121
Wed Feb 19 09:36:47.058 [airport] @[683805.310890] (airportProcessCommand.m:1381) Processing event, count[ 0]
Wed Feb 19 09:36:47.071 [airport] @[683805.324493] (airportProcessCommand.m:1667) Processed events, count[ 0], @[683805.310877], took 0.013594
Wed Feb 19 09:37:09.462 Usb Host Notification hostNotificationUSBDeviceRemoved USB2.0 Hub seqNum 3016 Total 1
Wed Feb 19 09:37:09.463 Usb Host Notification hostNotificationUSBDeviceRemoved Matias Keyboard seqNum 3016 Total 0
Wed Feb 19 09:37:09.475 Usb Host Notification Apple80211Set: seqNum 3016 Total 0 chg 0 en0At first I was looking at
At first I was thinking USB was the issue, and blaming my Keyboard and/or cable. I replaced the cable, and eventually got a wireless Apple keyboard yet the issue remained. After some time I noticed that it is specifically the "Processed events, count[ 19]" line, and specifically the count being 19, and that the surrounding USB events win the wifi log are most likely also affected by what ever this issue is.
My setup was to use my personal 2024 M4-Max MBP to control my work M3 MBP. Since losing control of work MBP is disruptive, I connected the wireless keyboard and mouse to it, and started using Universal Control in the other direction, controlling my personal MBP.
Can you guess what happened? The work MBP started freezing up the same way my personal one had been. The "Processed events, count[ 19]" line started showing up in its logs as well, and no longer appeared in the logs of my personal MBP.
I have opened a Feedback Assistant issue with Apple, and will try to jump through all the Apple support hoops to get this to someone who can actually look into it.
Hope this helps someone else.