Tracking Ruck Workouts with Additional Weight in Apple Fitness
I would like to properly track ruck workouts via my Apple watch. Currently I use hiking, however it screws up my metrics for various tracked data suck as VO2, heart rate, etc as the workout does not factor in the additional weight of the ruck. I would think either adding a separate ruck workout, or perhaps just adding a feature under the existing 'Hiking' which would allow you to specify additional equipment weight and using something like the following to factor it in:
I entered the above as feedback a bit ago but I have seen similar inquires for years now. I get rucking is somewhat of a niche activity but I would think a method of factoring in additional carried weight on the Hiking activity would not be that difficult. Has anyone found a way around how to track rucks without it screwing up your data? Thanks.
[Edited by Moderator]
Apple Watch Series 9, watchOS 11