Generator created in Motion showing an animated dashed line does not reliably work in FCPX
I have created a Generator template for FCPX in Motion showing an animated dashed line. This was based on the following youtube tutorial
Mainly the project uses a replicator to map multiple copies of a small object (particle) onto a rectangle. The dashed line is created by a repeated color pattern. To make it moving an oscillator is used to add a parameter behavior.
All of this is working fine in Motion. However, the template does not reliably work in FCPX. When I add the generator to a timeline then sometimes the first instance works, but additional ones won't. Instead of a moving dashed line just a single particle is shown without any animation.
I have FCPX 11.0 and Motion 5.9
Does anyone knows how to fix this? Thanks!
MacBook Air 13″