Unable to change lock/login screen on Mac Studio after reset and safe mode
I noticed that I can't change the lock/login screen on my Mac Studio. Unfortunately making the changes in Safemode still does not allow the system change to take effect even after a reset.
I followed some steps I have found in the community
like step1. Make sure guest user turned off
step2.Have only 1 user
step3.Must turn off File Vault
Still the change won’t stick
Even after these settings have been modified and in safemode
I also have reinstalled the OS.
I did not have the option to set up the lock screen or new user name
I have changes my password. Tried being logged out of apple account.
nothing effects the settings.
I have tried to erase that particular screen image but it the system won’t let me delete it and I am the administrator
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Mac Studio (2022)