How can I get numeric samples into Motion?
After trying many different approaches and scouring the internet and AI chat bots for solutions, I'm back with nearly the same questions as asked before.
How can I get thousands of numeric values into Apple Motion and have them recognized as numeric values? I haven't been able to find a solution to this after diligent searching for weeks. I've even tried using AppleScript, etc. The closest I've been able to get is via the Text Generator - which will display the number values, but doesn't make them recognizable as number values for other generators or effects.
Here's what I'm trying to do: I have several types of numeric values for various measures contained in text documents (think of stock-price samples over time that need to be tied to animated graphs and gauges). I want to be able to import these number values as text, and have them recognized by other functions in Motion as numeric values. The closest I've been able to find to accomplish this is to convert the file somehow into audio data - because Motion recognizes Audi data in a similar numeric fashion. But, I haven't been able to find a solution for converting my numeric data into audio waves.
How can I do this? For example, I might tie number samples to a shape that would move around on an X/Y grid based on coordinates. Or I might have a speedometer-type graphic that turns based on the number values. Or I might have a volume graphic that lowers/depletes over time based on volume samples. But, I have far too many samples to try to keyframe them manually. And I'd like to be able to replace old numbers with new numbers.
MacBook Pro 13″