Using iMac as monitor for Mac mini via Screen Sharing (VNC)
Several posts have asked about using an iMac as a display for a mac mini.
I have a solution that seems to work for me, that maybe will meet the needs of others.
My iMac even though it's really old does have "Screen sharing" capabilities
the steps I take are
Connect the to any monitor, to do the initial setup. (I used the my 720p TV which has an HDMI port.)
Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port on the Mac mini to the Ethernet port on the iMac.
Enable Screen Sharing on the Mac mini .
Go to System Settings > Sharing.
Check the box for "Screen Sharing" and configure access (e.g., "On" or "Only these users").
Find the Mac mini's IP Address:
Go to System Settings > Network and note the IP address of the Mac mini.
Connect from the iMac:
Open the Screen Sharing application on the iMac.
In the "Connect To" field, type "vnc://<Mac mini's IP address>" (e.g., "vnc://").
Enter the necessary credentials (username and password) for the Mac mini.
If you're looking to use your iMac's keyboard and mouse to control the Mac mini while viewing its desktop on the iMac screen, try switching to "Control Mode" within the Screen Sharing app on the iMac.
iMac 21.5″ 4K, macOS 13.7