Turn off new Quicktime auto-full-screen "feature"
I recently "upgraded" my Mac to Sequoia 15.2, and I've noticed a b̶u̶g̶ new "feature."
If a QuickTime window's titlebar touches the menu-bar at the top of the screen, it automatically goes full-screen mode. I notice this behavior is also now in Apple Preview.
This is beyond obnoxious.
I have a 35" monitor. I often work two apps side-by-side, or I keep a reference file open (in Preview) on one side of the screen, while working on the other side.
Given the amount of screen real estate, I will keep some Stickie notes open for reference, over to one side of the screen, and often watch a movie, or listen to a video that I keep reduced down to a couple inches, over to one side, typically in the upper right corner.
But now, if I open a video file, and the title bar of the video touches the menu bar, it automatically expands to full screen, and takes over my whole 35" monitor. It is maddening.
Just as maddening (maybe more so) is Preview.
I'm regularly using Preview as a low-resource viewer, to look at a source document on one side of the screen, while working on a document in another app, on the other side of the screen (kind of the beauty of having a double-page monitor). Now, if the Preview window touches the menu-bar, it automatically explodes, taking over the whole screen.
This UI behavior is so obnoxious I could scream… and unfortunately, so far as I can tell, there is no way to turn this new "feature" off.
Whoever thought this "feature" was clever, obviously only works from a 15" laptop. There are still Mac users, using desktop workstations with oversized monitors. These new features should be user-tested on something besides a MacBook Air (Nothing wrong with a MacBook Air, I have one for client presentations, but I do "work" at a desk, with a large monitor)… and/or, should have a way to disable.
If there is a way to turn this off, I would be grateful.
Thank you.
Mac mini