I found an Apple "bill" charged on my debit card account
I found an Apple "bill" charged on my First community credit Union debit card account. I have absolutely no affiliation with apple anything at all and now all of a sudden I've got $34.99 $9.99 and $1.99 just sitting there and it's not for me in any way shape or form. Now I hurried into call Apple and I had to make a new login information but regardless that is not for me just FYI and so I finally got a hold of people and the girl said that she was going to give me the money back and everything it'll be all right and it'll be within 24-40 hours and then all of a sudden everything went to nothing and never never heard anything for anyone ever have any money back so I called again now the week after and they say again we'll have to retry again and it'll be 24 48 hours again and it said I so I asked when it happened before why didn't it work then why is it going to work now and she just says well you just have to go with your policy and gave me Apple.com/internet/ legal this that and the other thing another and that wouldn't work go to a browser that doesn't work with my Android I guess so it is so now I'm just sitting here waiting for the 24 to 48 hours to come by and say something that isn't going to come I guess and basically people just can you take money from somebody else's account and I can't do anything about it. I'm like, What In the Forget Apple.
...Android is where it's at.