Hlpplzthnkz wrote:
1)I can't find my recently played history.
2)Also, how do I really view what is in my queue and rearrange the order?
Hi Hipplzthnx-
1) On my iphone, its under the home menu and below the Up Next ‘recommendations’. Sometimes I accidentally tap the screen and inadvertently play a new podcast while I was in the middle of listening to whatever was in prog at the top of my queue, so I’ll use the recently played list (home menu) to reinstate the in prog ep and resume. It’s basically an abbreviated version of what you intend to do and it should work really well for that purpose.
i’m hoping that you podcast user interface (ui) mirrors mine since we’re both on iPhones. There should be a little ‘>’ icon that opens a full history - converting the short horizontal list composed of a few most recent into a vertically indexed loooong history.
2) there are basically two commands you can give a podcast episode when you’re adding it to your queue. Play Next inserts at the top and Add to Queue at the bottom. if your podcast queue is empty, you will only have the play next option until you add that first episode. You can also just command the episode to play. Continue to add episodes until you have a few that you would like to organize from within the Q. I personally like to use the Library sorts: Shows and Latest Episodes. I have my phone automatically download the most recent one to two episodes from the podcast that I listen to very regularly. If I want to add an episode that’s not already downloaded I will go ahead and prompt my phone to start the download before I add it to the queue. Episode files are stored locally (on phone) and will stay there until played (make sure to toggle on automatic deletion of played episodes). You can also stream them instead of downloading them to your phone, but you will need to stay within range of Wi-Fi or your mobile ISP signal ti avoid disruption (take my advice and default to downloading a copy. once you have establish an expectation for how the podcast function without connectivity issues, you will have a good basis to determine whether it would make sense for you to stream instead of downloading a local copy. Hope that makes sense.
Anyways back to sorting your queue… If you have an episode playing or added to queue (either), you should be able to open your queue. In my UI, it looks a band near bottom of the app. It looks like a minimized player. Just tap it to open the queue as a full page ui. There’s a sticky feature toward the right hand side of the episodes - just drag and drop episodes within the queue to organize. Finally make sure your ios is updated to iOS 18.3.1. A number of people including myself experienced about that Min organizing the queue very cumbersome. For me this was resolved when I updated to 18.3 hopefully it will be the same for you.
I think I answered all of your questions but let me know if you need any additional help or if anything came across as confusing. Cheers. 🙃