How do I delete HomePod settings from my iPhone?
I want to remove a home pod from my phone but I don’t have the actual pod any more. I returned it after I’d paired it with my phone.
[Re-Titled By Moderator]
iPhone 11, iOS 18
I want to remove a home pod from my phone but I don’t have the actual pod any more. I returned it after I’d paired it with my phone.
[Re-Titled By Moderator]
iPhone 11, iOS 18
So you’re saying it’s still in the Home App on your phone?
open the Home App and tap on HomePod, then tap the gear icon for settings, scroll to bottom and tap Reset HomePod and choose Remove Accessory
See this article for more information to see where you’re signed in and to Remove: Check your Apple Account device list to find where you’re signed in
It’s still tied to your Apple ID. In you phone Settings - Your Name at the top, scroll down to your list of devices , tap on the HomePod, scroll to bottom to Remove from Account (in red)
Hi, thank you so much. Unfortunately, it’s not listed on my profile (my apple watch is listed so I think I’m looking in the right place) so I can’t delete it. Any other ideas…?
Thank you so much! Looks as if that’s worked; really appreciate your help 😊
You’re welcome :)
How do I delete HomePod settings from my iPhone?