number paragraphs in Pages
When I number paragraphs in Pages, there are numbers in the space between the paragraphs. I'm hitting return as you should you make a new paragraph. So how do you fix this issue?
MacBook Air (M2, 2022)
When I number paragraphs in Pages, there are numbers in the space between the paragraphs. I'm hitting return as you should you make a new paragraph. So how do you fix this issue?
MacBook Air (M2, 2022)
The issue with duplicate posts is that now the conversation becomes divided and the all of the previous contributions to this subject are spent elsewhere…
numbering paragraphs in Pages - Apple Community
Sounds like you're pressing Return twice to create a blank line between paragraphs. As far as Pages is concerned, that's a whole new paragraph (albeit with no active characters) and it warrants its own number.
Instead, for this kind of formatting, you should use paragraph spacing to add space between paragraphs. This setting is in the Format Inspector:
Since it adds space before (or, if you prefer, after) the paragraph, it isn't a paragraph on its own and therefore doesn't affect the paragraph numbering.
In Word (e..g v16.94), you select Edit > Replace and in that panel that appears, you enter ^p (lowercase p) as shown, then click Replace all to remove empty paragraph numbers.
This will copy/paste into Pages v14.3 just as you see it above, with no empty numbered paragraphs.
Yes I get that now. What I don't get is how to remove the extra returns in the whole document. It is actually copied and pasted from a Word document, and I think I have to do it from the Word document first. Do you know how to do that?
Hi Cindy,
The instructions given by Yellowbox to accomplish this task in Pages in your other post seemed clear to me. Were you unable to follow them? That technique does work nicely and I use it often.
In Pages, you can search for '\n\n' which represents two consecutive newline/paragraph markers, and replace them with a single \n:
That was already suggested in the other duplicate post linked above, and from that thread, the OP said that it didn't fix her particular Pages issue. Should, but didn't for some reason.
My bad, I didn't follow the duplicate post link.
number paragraphs in Pages