I wrote up an explanation but accidentally deleted it when fixing a typo. Here it is again
Your spreadsheet needs a checkbox in Sheet 1::Table 1::A1
When checked it will recalculate every 2 seconds
When not checked it will wait in the background.
It will quit due to an error if there is no such cell or you close all the open documents or quit Numbers.
Open the Script Editor app. Paste in the code. Hit the "Play" button. You can hit the "Stop" button to stop it.
It takes focus from you everytime it recalculates. It will whisk you away from wherever you are in the spreadsheet and drop you on Sheet 1::Table 1::A1. If you are simply watching something happen this is not a concern but it will interrupt you if you are woking on something.
It is not part of the spreadsheet. You have to start it after opening your spreadsheet. A script can be turned into an app or shortcut or a service (which can be invoked with a key combination) to make this easier.
Change the first Delay 2 to Delay 60 if you want a minute delay. The second Delay 2 is there so it doesn't constantly keep checking cell A1, eating up processing cycles. If you increase it there will be a longer delay for the recalculations to begin after checking the checkbox.