Time Machine local snapshots using up all disk space
I’m having issues with hourly Time Machine local snapshots holding on to very large deleted video files (13g to 26g), resulting in the system running out of disk space. Although it will say I have about 15g free, I can’t even save a small document, and apps start crashing. I kept deleting more and more of these large video files, but the amount of memory free would not go up. I tried a reboot and it never completed. I eventually booted into target disk mode to recover files. At that point I also deleted all the Time Machine local snapshots. That seemed to fix the problem and I was able to reboot and have about 200g free, but then it happened again. I should have had nearly 200g free, but it was back down to 15g until I deleted the snapshots again.
My work flow is to edit the video files on the internal HD from within a folder that is excluded from Time Machine backups. I then copy these large video files one at a time to an iCloud Drive folder that is also excluded from Time Machine backups. Sometime after it is done uploading I do a “remove download” and I also delete the copy on my local hard drive. At this point all disk space associated with the large video file should be free, but apparently it is not. When Time Machine does an hourly local snapshot, it will still capture these large files in the snapshot if I have not deleted them yet, and the snapshots will hold onto them after deleting the files. This is true even if the files are excluded from Time Machine backups.
Due to my workflow and working on many of these large video files in a day, it really easy for me to end up with nearly 200g of deleted video files tied up in hourly Time Machine local snapshots. Is there any way to avoid this? Shouldn’t these snapshots be getting purged automatically when disk space runs low? And why, when I have 15g free, does macOS acts like I have no space available?
iMac 27″, macOS 12.7