Logic's Chord Track. Many issues.
Logic Pro 11.1.2
- There is NO way to enter chords that isn't slow and clumsy. The keyboard shortcut for entering a chord is not equivalent to using the mouse, and using the mouse with a contextual menu near the playhead is not equivalent to clicking on the plus sign by the Chord track header.
- Entering chords. Sometimes they're grouped. Sometimes not. Still haven't figured out why.
- The key combination to raise and lower chords by semitone works intermittently.
- When entering chords, the entire Arrangement window will sometimes jump-scroll the chord entry spot to the leftmost side of the window, visually confusing you and jarringly re-orienting the timeline. That one is SUPER annoying.
- After prolonged use, the entire Chord entry process seems to become corrupt. When I double-click on a chord to edit, it won't edit, but the timeline will jump to some arbitrary spot. At least it seems arbitrary. And I simply can't get into certain groups of chords at all to edit them, or add new chords to the Chord track.
- If I have entered chords in the song and decide to try a modulation a a mid-point, I enter a key-change, get a dialog asking whether I want to transpose the chords, but then it transposes ALL the chords, including those that precede the key change! However, if I don't transpose them, then delete the old chords, I can copy a chord group from before the key change, and when I paste it in, THEN the chords are transposed.
I am stunned by how poor and glitchy this thing has become.
Mac Studio, macOS 15.3