jw292 wrote:
Clicking the logout option in the top left menu opens the logout message that waits for 60 seconds, however i dont have a mouse cursor at this point. I'm not sure how to use the logout window if i cant click anything, i guess waiting works too but it is a bit silly. i also cant change the selection to reopen applications because of this. anyone else got this issue or just me?
I had not noticed this problem before, it seems to be introduced in the last few weeks.
Shift Command Q is the keyboard shortcut for logging out.
A SafeBoot Start up your Mac in safe mode - Apple Support will sort many anomalies
Does a quick disk repair before it fully boots up, and certain system caches get cleared and rebuilt, third party system modifications and system accelerations are disabled temporarily.
Login and test. Reboot as normal and test. Caches get rebuilt automatically.
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The current stable release of Sequoia including bug fixes, security updates is macOS 15.3.1
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