FCP 11, Video roles do not follow audio when showing lanes
Hi, I recently updated to 11.0 directly form 10.6 as I move on from intel to arm machines. There's a few bonuses that come with 11 but also this small change in behaviour that albeit minor is just sending my head spinning as it has a huge impact on my editing process. I don't if somebody else finds it as annoying as I do. For me, it's just throwing me off every time since for the last 11 years I worked under the assumption that video that is not colored like audio is detached.
below a sample from a presentation I did a while back on my workflow
and here is a comparison of how the timeline has changed
After 10+ years working under the assumption that when it looks like this, audio is detached and I should be super-careful about what I do because I may throw everything out of sync, now not only I am not able to tell the difference between attached and detached audio, but I also cannot tell which clip the audio belongs to at first glance _unless I make an extra effort and create a specific video role to back the audio - bearing in mind however that two roles cannot have the same name, e.g. I'd have to have "soundbite 1 video" and "soundbite 1 audio" with the same colour. Now this in the example is a relatively simple edit, a 2'20" twittwer-friendly first person account, no voiceover, only one speaker. But you can easily see how this can get confusing if we are looking at a 12min feature with six or seven talent.
On top of magazine-style feature editing, I also do a lot of archival work. These items have a very long shelf-life and require regular polishing and updating such as replacing figures in voiceover and graphics, maybe replacing one talent who changed jobs with another, and the ability of not having to triple check the relationship between the video and the audio has been a big plus for me over the years.
I am not going to get too deep in the whys and hows, but the organization of the final timeline is just one aspect. I find it even more helpful when in the middle of an edit when the timeline is really far form looking this organized.
Has this affected anyone? is there a way of reverting to the original behaviour?