How can I power my Studio Display without a 16A outlet?
Our home in India does not have a 16A outlet to fit the built in plug. How does one go about powering the display without damaging it / voiding warranty?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
Our home in India does not have a 16A outlet to fit the built in plug. How does one go about powering the display without damaging it / voiding warranty?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
Depending on where you purchased the Studio Display from you may need an adapter to allow it to plug into your outlet. Apple products automatically adapt to the voltage.
If you could send a picture of both the Studio Display’s plug and the outlet you want to plug it into that would be of great help.
Apple World Travel Adapter Kit - Apple
See if your outlet looks like any of the ones in this kit.
The Studio display draws a max of < 3A. You do not need a 16A circuit.
How can I power my Studio Display without a 16A outlet?